80. In the Eighth Malaysia Plan, the number of houses built
exceeded the set targets. The quality of low cost houses also
improved. We wilt continue to ensure sufficient quality and
affordable housing for all citizens, especially for those in the
lower income group. The Government will build approximately
43,800 units of tow cost houses through Program Perumahan
Rakyat. This will be complemented by the building of
approximately 29,000 low-and medium-cost houses by Syarikat
Perumahan Negara Berhad. The private sector must
complement such Government efforts to build low-cost houses
through mixed development projects.
82, Facilities for health care will be improved to provide for
an active and alert society. Current facilities will be upgraded
whilst new facilities will be built to provide a comprehensive
package of services. This includes building 8 new hospitals,
replacing 14 old hospitals and building specialist centres.
Mobile clinics will be increased to improve healthcare services
in rural areas. Primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare
services will be integrated through an efficient and effective
referral system. A human resource action plan will be drafted
84. The commuter, LRT and monorail systems have proven
to be effective investments. Nevertheless, these systems need
to be integrated comprehensively with a wider network in
order to become the choice mode of transportation. We need
a complete feeder system, on-time services, increase in
frequencies and less waiting time. Transportation planning
must take into account the growth of new residential areas,
new commercial centres and complexes, new public
infrastructure such as schools and also population growth
and density.
86. The Government will continue building new roads and
upgrade current roads to facilitate access to less developed
areas and to link regional growth centres with areas that
have tourism potential.
90. The Government will focus on improving the quality,
coverage and reliability of water supply. Suruhanjaya
Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) will regulate the quality of
water supply throughout the country to safeguard the interests
of consumers. Water supply infrastructure will be built and
upgraded. Among the major projects that will be implemented
include the Pahang-Selangor Interstate Raw Water Transfer,
Triang and Batu Hampar Water Supply Scheme in Negeri
Sembilan, Sandakan Phase 2 in Sabah as well as Phase 2
adopted from RMK-9 90. http://www.parlimen.gov.my/news/eng-ucapan_rmk9.pdf